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This template is used to create a simple note stating that a feature is exclusive to one or multiple version(s). Uses Template:Edición.
Parameters[editar código]
Named parameters[editar código]
The template accepts the following named parameters:
Named Parameter | Effect |
short=1 | Shortens the edition name. Example: Bedrock Edition → BE |
as of= | Adds additional information in the hover text. |
nocat=1 | Prevents the page from being added to any maintenance categories. Use this in documentation, talk pages, etc. where you're mentioning or showing an example of the template rather than using it to mark a feature. |
nozwnj=1 | Breaking row= |
Usage[editar código]
→ Example.[Solo Java Edition]
→ Example.[Solo Minecraft Earth]
→ Example.[Solo las ediciones Java y Education]
→ Example.[Solo las ediciones Bedrock, Legacy Console, y Education]
→ Example.[Solo JE, BE y LCE]
Example.{{solo|education|earth|bedrock|as of=Java Edition 1.15.1}}
→ Example.[Solo Minecraft Education, Minecraft Earth, y Bedrock Edition]