Ahora nos llamamos Minecraft Wiki Español

Le dimos un lavado de cara a la identidad de la wiki y al cómo nos identificaremos de ahora en adelante, ¡muchas gracias a los que participaron en la discusión!


De Minecraft Wiki
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Esta es la página de documentación. Esta debería ser transcluida en la página principal de esta plantilla. Véase Plantilla:Documentación para más información.
Esta plantilla utiliza el formato de una infobox clásica creada a base de una tabla. 
Este tipo de plantillas son las que se suelen utilizar en el sitio.
Esta plantilla utiliza el Módulo:Infobox, un script escrito en Lua.




Fundada el:


Oficina central




Filial de:


This template provides a uniform design similar to {{Infobox programa}}, with tweaks designed for company pages, such as Mojang, or 4J Studios.

| formeMúsicarly=
| title= 
| image= 
| imagesize= 
| type= 
| founders= 
| founded= 
| defunct=
| fate=
| headquarters= 
| keypeople= 
| products=
| parent= 
| website= 
| customlinks=
| notes= 
Parameter Function Default value
formerly (Optional) Former names used for the company
title Optional value to use a different title instead of the page name {{BASEPAGENAME}}
image Image/Icon of the company (default 200px) {{{title}}}.png if it exists, otherwise No image.svg (linking to the page where to upload the missing image)
imagesize The image's size 200px
type What type of company is it ?
founders Who founded the company ?
founded When was the company founded ?
defunct (Optional) When was the company shut down
fate (Optional) Why the company was shut down
headquarters Where the company is located ?
keypeople (Optional) Key people in the company
products Various products the company has made ?
parent Parent company (if any) None
website (Optional) The company's website
customlinks (Optional) Any custom titled links, formatted as a bulleted list
notes (Optional) Any notes about the company None

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Contenido descargable
Minecraft Dungeons
Minecraft Legends
Minecraft Story Mode