Pale Oak Log and Stripped Pale Oak Log

- Can be crafted into pale planks and wood.
- Has a stripped variant.
- Used for decorations.
Pale Oak Wood and Stripped Pale Oak Wood

- Crafted from pale oak logs.
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Pale Oak Log
- Can be crafted into pale planks.
- Has a stripped variant.
- Used for decorations.
Pale Oak Planks
Pale Oak Slab
Pale Oak Stairs
Pale Oak Sign
Pale Oak Hanging Sign
Pale Oak Button
Any tool
- Produces a redstone signal.
Pale Oak Pressure Plate
Any tool
- Produces a redstone signal when stepped on.
Pale Oak Door
- Used for decorations.
- Can be opened or closed by pressing the Use Item/Place Block control.
Pale Oak Trapdoor
- Used for decorations.
- Can be opened or closed by pressing the Use Item/Place Block control.
Pale Oak Fence and Pale Oak Fence Gate
Archivo:Pale Oak Fence JE1 BE1.png
- Used for decoration.
- Can be opened or closed by pressing the Use Item/Place Block control.
Block of Resin
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Resin Clump
Resin Bricks
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Resin Brick
Chiseled Resin Bricks
Resin Brick Slab
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Resin Bricks
Resin Brick Stairs
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Resin Bricks
Resin Brick Wall
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Resin Bricks
Creaking Heart

Axe (enchanted with Silk Touch)
- Used for decoration.
- Spawning/Despawning Creaking.
Resin Clump
- Dropped by the creaking heart when it is destroyed.
Any tool
- Used for decoration.
- Drops as item when it is broken.
Pale Oak Leaves
Shears or Silk Touch enchanted tools.
Pale Oak Sapling
- Obtained by breaking pale oak leaves.
Any tool
Pale Moss Block and Pale Moss Carpet
- Generates naturally in the pale garden biome.
- Can be bonemealed to spread to compatible blocks.
- Used for decoration.
Pale Hanging Moss
- Generates naturally in the pale garden biome under the foliage of pale oaks.
- It does not grow randomly, but can be bonemealed to grow down.
Shears or Silk Touch enchanted tools.

- Generate in the pale garden biome.
Any tool
- Can be crafted into orange and gray dye, suspicious stew.
- Can be closing during the day and opening during night.