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Archivo:Grass Block JE3.png

De Minecraft Wiki
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Grass_Block_JE3.png(300 × 300 píxeles; tamaño de archivo: 6 kB; tipo MIME: image/png)

Este archivo es de un repositorio compartido y puede usarse en otros proyectos. La descripción en su página de descripción del archivo se muestra debajo.


A dedicated header template for isometric renders of game objects, analogous to {{Texture}}, will be created once texture history is fully documented.

Legacy information about this file which will be accounted for by this template in this section can be found below:


Render of the 3rd iteration of the Grass Block in Java Edition.




Mojang Studios

(Reusing this file)

See below.

Textures used

Section upcoming.


Documentation of the history of isometric renders is currently a far future project, as the history for block textures is still a work in progress. A dedicated discussion on the community portal is forthcoming.

Legacy historical information can be found below:

This file represents the grass block as it was at a particular point in the game. It should be used in areas such as history sections where the file should not change to match the latest version of the game. Do not overwrite it with changes made in later versions of the game, instead upload it as a separate file and add it to the table below.
For areas which should always show the latest version, use the redirect (File:Grass Block.png), which should be updated to point to the latest revision.

Revisions [edit]
Revision File Version(s) used
Latest Redirect always showing the latest revision
Revision 7 From JE 1.14 (JE 19w08a), BE 1.11.0 (BE beta, PS4 1.90
Revision 6 From JE 1.0.0 (JE Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6), Pocket Edition v0.2.0 alpha
Revision 5 From JE Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5
Revision 4 From JE Beta 1.5
Revision 3 From JE Alpha v1.2.0 (JE Alpha v1.2.0 (preview)), Pocket Edition v0.1.0 alpha
Revision 2 From JE pre-Classic rd-160052
Revision 1 From JE Cave game tech test


This file (or parts of it) is copyright Mojang Studios
Though copyrighted, this screenshot, texture, audio, song, or other Mojang asset, or derivative of Mojang assets, is freely usable on this wiki.
https://www.minecraft.net/usage-guidelinesCopyrighted MojangCopyrighted by Mojang Studios, can be used under Minecraft Usage Guidelines.truetruetrue

Historial del archivo

Haz clic sobre una fecha y hora para ver el archivo tal como apareció en ese momento.

Fecha y horaMiniaturaDimensionesUsuarioComentario
actual14:27 30 ago 2020Miniatura de la versión del 14:27 30 ago 2020300 × 300 (6 kB)Deshman-gpuserRe-Render; Basic tint
23:09 29 abr 2020Miniatura de la versión del 23:09 29 abr 2020300 × 300 (6 kB)MrJam003Image fully optimized using FileOptimizer (lossless)
13:27 10 abr 2020Miniatura de la versión del 13:27 10 abr 2020300 × 300 (13 kB)User-100181356Updated to fit with other Grass Block renders
16:29 24 nov 2019Miniatura de la versión del 16:29 24 nov 2019300 × 300 (8 kB)Pneuma01texture from alpha terrain.png
10:17 25 may 2019Miniatura de la versión del 10:17 25 may 2019300 × 300 (8 kB)ItsPlantseed
10:13 25 may 2019Miniatura de la versión del 10:13 25 may 2019300 × 300 (8 kB)ItsPlantseed300px resolution
15:30 7 sep 2013Miniatura de la versión del 15:30 7 sep 2013150 × 150 (17 kB)DeathStar1710

Uso global del archivo